Welcome to my Website
and Online Galleries
Reading is a good thing! It can to save all of us from becoming Dinosaurs . . .
If you would like to read a little about me, here is a sort-of Graphic-Bio following a squiggly path that is sometimes thin and sometimes fat with some curves that might drag you through wet India Ink. But despite an unexpected collision with Pixels, the ending is mostly happy . . . so far.
Here is a brief Overview of my Work Experience.
Visit the Galleries and see Samples of my Cartoons and Comic Art.
These Galleries are online, of course, but feel free to treat them as if they were Bricks-and-Mortar Galleries. Sit on a marble bench, stroke your chin, stare at the art, and ponder and contemplate ( if that isn’t too redundant ). Or just be one of those people who wander through the Galleries to kill some time before dinner.
Either way, please Have a Look!
Way back in the 1980s, a Mouse from 1930s Manhattan briefly roamed the pages of a Comic Book Series titled Maxwell Mouse Follies. The Mouse was Maxwell, and his appearance was followed by what may be the longest hiatus in Comics History.
Well, Maxwell’s back . . . and this Website’s got him!
Meet Maxwell and his friends, learn about the History of the Series, and take a look at related Art and Mousellania. Have a Swell Time!
Chez Maxwell is always open!*
* Well, almost. . . Please note that The Chez Maxwell section is still under construction at this time. Check back for changes and additions!
Sooner or later, Everybody needs a Cartoon.
Or a Hello.
Or an Answer to a Question.
Visit the Contact Page for All of the Above!